In order to prepare for the first meet of the season the Developmental practice groups (RED, WHITE & GREY) will participate in a Technique “Techno” Meet, Thursday, September 19th from 6:00-7:45 PM. We have changed the practice time so that all swimmers will be able to get through the strokes in the allotted time. All Developmental swimmers at the YMCA will also participate in this meet, so there will be NO practice at the YMCA on Thursday, September 19th. All YMCA swimmers should attend the TECHNO meet at Baylor on this day. Please make a note on your calendar of this slight schedule change.
WHAT IS A “TECHNO” or Technique Meet?
It is a type of a mock swim meet, where the swimmers will focus on three specific skills according to practice group given by the coach(es) for a specific stroke. Swimmers will be evaluated on how well they complete each of the skills. Remember this is not a race for time, but a chance to concentrate on what they are doing technically, hence the name TECHNO Meet. These skills will be reviewed during practices for next week, and swimmers will have a very clear understanding of what they must do for this meet.
A heat sheet for the Techno meet and a sample of the evaluation sheet the coaches have prepared will be emailed out to parents prior to the meet. Swimmers will be able to take their evaluation sheet home with them following the meet with comments from the coaches on how each swimmer executed the skills. There will also be prizes for the swimmers for completing the session, and on how well they executed their skills during the meet.
In order to run this meet efficiently, we are also asking for a few parent volunteers to help out with the meet. We will need approx. 6 parents to help be kid pushers so that the swimmers remain in their proper heat and lane during the meet. If you are able to help out and volunteer with this please email Coach Brian Thank you to all who are able to help out with this.