After the finish to a great short course season, we move on to the long course swimming season, where all of our meets in the spring and summer are swum in a long course or 50 meter pool rather than a short course 25 yard pool.
The first long course swim meet will be our Arena Long Course Invitational to be held May 4-6 at the Baylor School Natatorium. We will then follow that meet up with the UltraSwim OPEN (June 2-3) that our club will host as well. Finally, please also take notice that the scratch deadline for the Richard Quick Invitational in Auburn, AL (June 22-24) is early. This meet fills up very quickly so entries will be due early in order to secure a space in the meet for our team. The link to the spring / summer long course meet schedule is available below and, all meets for the spring / summer have also been posted on the meets-info/results page on the website.
Below you will find hotel reservation information for away swim meets during the 2018 long course season for the Baylor Swim Club. In order to access this information you will need to login to the member section of the website.
Thank you to all that were able to attend the Spring Parents meeting. The from the spring parent meeting held on April 12, 2018 is now available on the website. See the link above for all the parent meeting information. The handout from the meeting will be emailed out to the entire club, and it is posted in the member news section of the website.
Meet Information for the 2018 Southeastern Swimming Long Course Championships (July 19-22, 2018) to be held in Knoxville, TN is now available. See the link below.
Southeastern Swimming Long Course Championships– July 19-22
Holiday Inn- World’s Fair Park
525 Henley Street
Knoxville, TN 37902
Reference Baylor Swim Club block
Deadline – June 19, 2018
Rates: Single $108, Double $115, Triple $122 and Quad $129. Rates include breakfast
Meet entries for the Richard Quick Invitational (June 22-24, 2018) in Auburn, AL are now available for viewing. They can be found on the meets-info/results page or they can be viewed by logging into your TeamUnify account. The scratch deadline for this swim meet has past, please emailLaura Pitman by Fri., May 4th with any issues.
This weekend the Baylor Swim Club will host and compete in the 2018 Chattanooga UltraSwim OPEN. The coaching staff is looking forward to some great performances this weekend. Please see all the important information below about attending the swim meet this weekend.
TECHNICAL UPDATE: Due to the size of the meet there will be ONLY one ALL AGES session each day Sat., 6/2, and Sun. 6/3. Warm-ups will begin at 8:00 AM, with competition starting at 9:00 AM on both days. An updated order events can be found at the link below.
VOLUNTEER Information
Please be sure to check the the email you will receive this week for your volunteer assignments. We only have one short session per day.
Remember to sign-in at the Volunteer table before each session that you work. The sign in sheet is what is used to verify who actually worked.
Thank you as always for your help.
Meet & Warm Up Schedule
Please see the entire warm-up schedule below.
Saturday & Sunday
All Ages AM session- Warm Up: 8:00-8:45 AM (Please arrive by 7:45 AM), Meet starts at 9:00 AM
Baylor cap (RED BAYLOR CAPS ONLY), Arena team suit, goggles, two towels, T-SHIRTS- RED on Sat., and GREY on Sun., sweat shirt/pants, activities (gameboy, books, etc.), water bottle, and healthy snacks. Please be sure to wear some warm clothing before and after you swim, this includes socks and or shoes to keep your feet warm.
Here are some Important Things to Remember About Going to a Swim Meet
Prior to the beginning of the meet, ALL parents should write the events the child will be swimming on the child’s arm. This should include event #, heat #, and lane #. (This information can be found by accessing a heat sheet, which will be posted on the website in the hosted meets section on Thursday, 5/31/18) This will enable the swimmer to determine if he/she is in the correct place.
All Baylor swimmers will be sitting together in a designated area. All swimmers must remain in that area while they are not swimming an event. Only swimmers, coaches, and meet volunteers will be allowed on the pool deck during the meet. The field house adjacent to the pool will be available for swimmers to camp out to wait for events. Only swimmers, coaches, and meet volunteers will be allowed on the pool deck during the meet.
Immediately before and after each race, your child should see the coaching staff to get feedback on their performance. This is the best time for the child to get a clear understanding of what things they did well, and what they still need to work on.
All swimmers are responsible for getting behind the blocks in their correct heat and lane before each race. (All 8 & Unders will have kid pushers that will be able to help them get to the starting blocks for their races)
Parents please remember that the coaches are not responsible for getting swimmers to the blocks for their race. The coaches need to make sure they watch every child’s race. Go out and have fun, and swim your best.
All parents must remain off the pool deck and in the stands above the pool during the swim meet. The pool is reserved for swimmers, meet officials, and meet volunteers ONLY.
PLEASE REMEMBER: We are not all about awards and time standards. Your child may not always have a best time or get an award, but they may do other things that the coaching staff and the swimmer should be proud of.
For more detailed information regarding attending swim meets please see the following pages in your team handbook: page 14- Swim Meet Policies, pages 15-17- Competitions, and page 17-18- Meet Entries. (Baylor Swim Club Team Handbook: 2017-2018 Season)
CHATTANOOGA, TN– On May 4-6, 2018 the Baylor Swim Club hosted and competed in the 2018 Arena Long Course Invitational held at the Baylor School Natatorium. One hundred Baylor Swim Club athletes participated in the two and a half day meet. Over 400 swimmers from the states of Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama competed in the swim meet. Special congratulations to all the Baylor Swim Club athletes that participated in meet, and thank you to all the parents that volunteered their time this past weekend!
One of the highlights from the meet came from sixteen year old Addison Smith. In the first meet of Long Course season she broke two Baylor Swim Club team records. She broke her own record in the Senior 400 free by three seconds, and Caitlin Muldoon’s 1500 free record set in 2000 by 15 seconds.
There will be NO PRACTICE for all groups on the Memorial Day Holiday Mon., May 28th. Developmental groups (2 day & 3 day / week) will practice on Tues., May 29th and Thurs., May 30th. The Senior/Varsity & Senior 2 groups will practice from 8:00-10:30 AM on Memorial Day.
Due to an ALL aquatics staff meeting there will NOT be any practice for AG and Junior groups on Wed., May 30th.