In order to prepare for the first meet of the season the Developmental practice groups (RED, WHITE & GREY) will participate in a Technique “Techno” Meet, Thursday, September 20th from 6:15-7:45 PM. We have extended the practice time, so that all swimmers will be able to get through the strokes in the allotted time. All Developmental swimmers at the YMCA will also participate in this meet, so there will be NO practice at the YMCA on Thursday, September 20th. All YMCA swimmers should attend the TECHNO meet at Baylor on this day. Please make a note on your calendar of this slight schedule change.
WHAT IS A “TECHNO” or Technique Meet?
It is a type of a mock swim meet, where the swimmers will focus on three specific skills according to practice group given by the coach(es) for each stroke (free, back, breast, and fly). Swimmers will be evaluated on how well they complete each of the the skills. Remember this is not a race for time, but a chance to concentrate on what they are doing technically, hence the name TECHNO Meet. These skills will be reviewed during practices for next week, and swimmers will have a very clear understanding of what they must do for this meet.
A heat sheet for the Techno meet and a sample of the evaluation sheet the coaches have prepared will be emailed out to parents prior to the meet. Swimmers will be able to take their evaluation sheet home with them following the meet with comments from the coaches on how each swimmer executed the skills. There will also be prizes for the swimmers for completing the session, and on how well they executed their skills during the meet.
Meet entries for the Fall Kick-Off Classic (Sept. 22-23) to be held at the Baylor School Natatorium are now available for viewing. They can be found on the meets-info/results page or they can be viewed by logging into your TeamUnify account. The scratch deadline for this swim meet has past, please email Laura Pitman by Saturday, September 15th with any issues.
The online meet volunteer sign-up system is now available for the Fall Kick-Off Classic (September 22-23, 2018) at the Baylor School Natatorium. All Baylor Swim Club families/members should sign-up as soon as possible to reserve your volunteer position(s).
The team suits are all being shipped to the pool office. We will separate the suits and have them with the team t-shirts on Thursday. There are a couple of suits that are back ordered. If those suits do not arrive ahead of time I will touch base with you.
This is just a reminder that all Baylor Swim Club athletes that are competing in swim meets are required to wear the red Arena Team suit during competitions. If you have not already purchased a team suit please do so prior to the Fall Kick-Off Classic on Sept. 22-23. Team suits can be purchased through our vendor SwimAndTri. See complete contact info below SwimAndTri.
It is time once again start planning a Halloween Party for the JR, AG, & Developmental practice groups. The party will be held on Thursday, October 25th from 6:15-7:30 PM in the Field House on Court C. Complete information on this event will be in the weekly update newsletter. The coaches need some help planning the event, probably around six parents. If any parents would like to help coordinate the event please email Coach Brian. Thanks for your help.
Baylor Swim Club / Baylor School Head Coach Dan Flack was named to the 2018-2019 USA Swimming National Team coaches roster. Coach Flack was selected as a national team coach based on Trey Freeman’s performances over the last year. In August of 2018, Flack was the Head Coach of the Men’s National Junior team at the Junior Pan Pacific Championships. The competition held on the islands of Fiji saw the USA National Junior Team capture twenty individual gold medals, five relay gold medals, twenty-one silver medals, and five bronze medals.
Below you will find login information for Baylor Swim Club’s online TEAM PORTAL on and the most up to date contact information for our team vendor, SwimAndTri. If you need to order team suits or practice equipment please order from the TEAM PORTAL or contact their Knoxville, TN location. Below are directions on how to login to the Baylor Swim Club TEAM PORTAL on
ATLANTA, GA- Over the Labor Day Holiday weekend (Aug. 31 – Sept. 3) Baylor Swim Club / Baylor School athletes Lydia Bohannon and Ellie Waldrep attended the 2018 LEAD (Leadership, Empowerment, and Athletic Development) Summit held at the Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center in Atlanta, GA. The LEAD Sports Summit is a yearly summit that connects young female swimmers with Olympic Champions and Specialists throughout a four day all-inclusive event.
The Scratch Deadline for the Developmental “TECHNO” Technique Meet (Sept. 20th from 6:15-7:45 PM at Baylor) is Wednesday, September 12th. Please be sure to Attend or Decline for the meet through TeamUnify. This swim meet is open to all Developmental (RED, WHITE, & GREY) practice groups ONLY. See complete info on the meet above in the newsletter.
What exciting news! The Baylor Swim Club has been awarded by United States Swimming the distinction of being a nationally ranked Silver Medal swim club in the USA Swimming Club of Excellence program for the 2018 swimming season! Read more …