It is the goal of Baylor Swim Club and the coaching staff, to provide instruction and training during the entire practice session. Baylor Swim Club coaches create lesson plans for each day and week of the short and long course seasons to teach the swimmers proper technique, prepare them for competitive swimming and meet the needs of each swimmer in the practice group. If time is spent disciplining children rather than coaching, the goals of that session are not being achieved. Therefore, Baylor Swim Club expects swimmers to adhere to the following behavior guidelines:
1. All swimmers must encourage and support their teammates at practice as well as in competition. Swimmers may not conduct themselves in any manner that is disruptive to others.
2. Swimmers are expected, at all times, to follow the coach’s instructions. At no time will disrespectful attitudes or back-talk be tolerated from any swimmer.
3. All swimmers using the locker-room should exhibit proper behavior. Rough-housing, yelling and touching items that belong to other swimmers is not acceptable.
4. Abusive language, lying or stealing are intolerable and grounds for immediate expulsion from the team.
5. Vandalism will not be tolerated. Any property that is vandalized by a Baylor swimmer will be repaired or replaced by the swimmer’s family.
Violation of the above mentioned behaviors will be disciplined as follows:
First violation will receive a warning.
Second violation will result in expulsion for the rest of that practice session and a phone call/meeting with the parents of the swimmer.
Third violation will result in suspension from practice for 1 week.
Fourth and final violation will result in expulsion from the team.
Monthly dues will not be adjusted for suspended swimmers.