Due to Halloween falling on Thursday, October 31st there are a few practice schedule changes that will affect several groups during the week of October 28-31. Please follow the schedule below.
Mon., Oct. 28th– ALL groups on a regular schedule
Tues., Oct. 29th– ALL Developmental groups 2-day & 3-day /week should practice on this day. ALL other groups are on a regular schedule.
Wed., Oct. 30th– Developmental groups 3-day /week ONLY | Those that are at Hamilton YMCA site Dev 3/day (4:30-5:30 PM) and AG (4:15-5:30 PM) athletes will practice at the regular times at the Hamilton YMCA | ALL other groups are on a regular schedule.
Thurs., Oct. 31st– NO PRACTICE for Developmental, AG, & Junior groups due to Halloween (This includes Hamilton YMCA athletes) | Senior/Varsity (3:45-6:15 PM) & SR2 (5:00-7:00 PM) will be on a regular schedule.
Get ready all you ghouls and ghosts as the Baylor swimmers and divers will invade the field house on Thursday, October 24thfor the annual Halloween Bash. The main details regarding the Halloween Bash are below so please save the date. All are encouraged to attend. There will be NO practice for all the swimmers/divers on this date, in place of practice we will be having our Halloween party.
RSVP: In order to have an accurate count for the party all swimmers/divers that plan to attend need to Attend / Decline through your TeamUnify account by Friday, October 18th. Those that are members of the Baylor Diving Club should email Coach Bonds to RSVP.
Meet entries for the Ensworth October OPEN (Oct. 19-20) to be held at the Ensworth School in Nashville, TN are now available for viewing. They can be found on the meets-info/results page or they can be viewed by logging into your TeamUnify account. The scratch deadline for this swim meet has past, please email Laura Pitman by 3:00 PM on Wednesday, October 2nd with any issues.
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO– Baylor Swim Club / Baylor School athlete, Ellie Waldrep was chosen as one of 48 girls from across the country to participate in USA Swimming’s National Select Camp slated for October 10-13 at the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
“This is a great opportunity for Ellie. At a camp of this level, Ellie will be exposed to a wide range of information that can really help in her preparation as she transitions to a National level competitor. This camp is for those athletes who are on the cusp of representing the United States in international competition, so hopefully, the experience will give her that push to take her swimming to that next, very exciting level,” said Head Coach Dan Flack.
CHATTANOOGA, TN– The Baylor Swim Club placed seven athletes on the 2018-2019 Southeastern Swimming Age Group All-Star Team. The team was selected during the time period of September 1, 2018-August 31, 2019 from Short Course yards and Long Course Meters results.
Those athletes that were selected to the 2018-19 Southeastern Swimming All-Star Team are Sam Flack, Charlie Han, Hannah Laramore, Ellie Lydon, Avery May, Maddox May, and Luke Waldrep.
CHATTANOOGA, TN– This past weekend, September 21-22, 2019 the Baylor Swim Club hosted and competed in the 2019 Fall Kick-Off Classic held at the Baylor School Natatorium. One Hundred and forty-five Baylor Swim Club athletes participated in the two day meet. Over 400 swimmers from the states of Tennessee and Georgia competed in the swim meet. Special congratulations to all the new Baylor Swim Club athletes that participated in their first-ever year-round swim meet, and to all the parents that volunteered their time this past weekend!
The Scratch Deadline for the Martha Bass Invitational (November 2-3, 2019) at Baylor is Tuesday, October 15th. Please be sure to Attend or Decline for the meet through TeamUnify. This swim meet is open to all Developmental, AG, JR, SR2, and SR/Varsity practice groups. This is a Baylor hosted swim meet so all parents must volunteer.
Meet Information is now available in the meets-info/results section of the web site.