Due to COVID-19, swimmers will need to have all of their own practice equipment. All community equipment including kickboards and lost and found goggles will NOT be available to the athletes. The coaching staff strongly encourages all members to please order their equipment as soon as possible so that they will have it for practices. SwimAndTRI is our official team vendor. They will NOT be on site this year for sizing and equipment. They have added suit and equipment bundles on to our team page. The bundles are by practice group and have special pricing by practice group. See the practice equipment list below and information to contact SwimAndTRI to order your equipment.
Week of
New Safety Protocols & Procedures
Due to COVID-19 new safety protocols and procedures have been implemented to follow all CDC, state, and local government rules & regulations in order to conduct practices. Below is also a link to a video showing all athletes how to enter the building safely. It is recommended that all swimmers and parents watch the video prior to the first practice of the 2020-2021 season. Please see the new safety protocols for the practices below.
Welcome to the Baylor Swim Club Weekly Update Newsletter
A warm welcome to both new and returning members to the Baylor Swim Club for the 2020-2021 season. This is the first edition of the Baylor Swim Club Weekly Update for the 2020-2021 season. It is an informative weekly newsletter dedicated to the entire Baylor Swim Club membership. Here all parents and swimmers should be informed on a weekly basis as to what is going on with the club. Each week a link to the newsletter will be sent out via email and posted in the newsletter section of www.baylorswimming.org. Information such as meets, scratch deadlines, practice schedule changes, and much more will be included in the newsletter. Please be sure to get in the habit of checking the website and email for the link each week.
Practices Begin for the 2020-2021 Season on Wed., Sept 9th or Thurs., Sept. 10th
Baylor Swim Club practices for the 2020-2021 season begins for all new and returning swimmers on either Wednesday, September 9th or Thursday, September 10th. Please be sure to follow the most up to date practice schedule below, and also please be familiar with and follow all of the new COVID-19 safety protocols & procedures. See the complete details below.
- 2020-2021 Baylor Swim Club Practice Schedule– updated 9/2/20
- New Safety Protocols & Procedures– updated 9/2/20
Baylor Swim Club Announces Coaching Additions for the 2020-2021 Season
CHATTANOOGA, TN- Head Coach / Director of Competitive Swimming Dan Flack is thrilled to announce three new additions to the coaching staff for the 2020-2021 season. Coach Kelly McClanahan will be assuming the responsibilities of the Junior group coach which is the highest level of age-group swimming in the Baylor Program. Coach Francine Chittum who spent some time coaching our Developmental groups last season will be taking over as our Age Group (AG) Coach, and long time swimming lessons instructor Sarah Winters will be leading our Developmental- Red & White, practice groups.
Policy on Behavior at Swim Practice
It is the goal of the Baylor Swim Club and the coaching staff, to provide instruction and training during the entire practice session. Baylor Swim Club coaches create lesson plans for each day and week of the short and long course seasons to teach the swimmers proper technique, prepare them for competitive swimming and meet the needs of each swimmer in the practice group. If time is spent disciplining children rather than coaching, the goals of that session are not being achieved. Therefore, Baylor Swim Club expects swimmers to adhere to the following behavior guidelines:
1. All swimmers must encourage and support their teammates at practice as well as in competition. Swimmers may not conduct themselves in any manner that is disruptive to others.
2. Swimmers are expected, at all times, to follow the coach’s instructions. At no time will disrespectful attitudes or back-talk be tolerated from any swimmer.
3. All swimmers using the locker-room should exhibit proper behavior. Rough-housing, yelling, and touching items that belong to other swimmers are not acceptable.
4. Abusive language, lying, or stealing are intolerable and grounds for immediate expulsion from the team.
5. Vandalism will not be tolerated. Any property that is vandalized by a Baylor swimmer will be repaired or replaced by the swimmer’s family.
Violation of the above-mentioned behaviors will be disciplined as follows:
The first violation will receive a warning.
The second violation will result in expulsion for the rest of that practice session and a phone call/meeting with the parents of the swimmer.
The third violation will result in suspension from practice for 1 week.
The fourth and final violation will result in expulsion from the team.
Monthly dues will not be adjusted for suspended swimmers.
Baylor School Swimming & Diving Named Named Combined NISCA National Independent School Dual Meet Champions
CHATTANOOGA, TN- The Baylor School Varsity Swimming & Diving team was named by the National Interscholastic Swim Coaches Association (NISCA) as 2019-2020 Combined National Independent School Dual Meet Champions. The Baylor School racked up a total of 11,086 power points between both the boys and girls teams. The NISCA awards program is based on submitted team results of high school athletes (grades 9-12) that are translated into power points. Despite COVID shutting down spring swimming in several states, the National Dual Meet Team Ranking Program had a solid showing with 320 teams entering. Though down from last year’s total, the number still exceeds the total number of teams participating in five out of the last 14 years.
News from the Club Office
I just want to review some billing items with you. The TeamUnify system will bill accounts to you on the 1st of every month. The statements will contain your monthly dues and any other charges such as caps meet fees hospitality fees, etc. and a late fee will be assessed on the 21st of each month. Any payments that are unable to be processed on the 1st will accrue processing fees in addition to the charges. This fee comes from our processing merchant. Any accounts that are 30 days past due will result in your child being held out of the water.
All groups including Developmental are monthly groups. The USA and Club registration fees are yearly charges and will not be charged again until August of 2021.
Through TeamUnify you will automatically be billed for the next month unless you have emailed the club by the 5th day of the month preceding the next session. So if you do not want to participate in November you must email the club no later than October 5th. Telling your coach that you are not doing the next month will not keep you from being billed. Be sure to send the email to the club. Notifications must be sent to Laura Pitman. We will not allow children to practice until the online registration and COVID -19 testing have been completed.
The yearly hospitality fee of $75 is charged in November. If you join in November or later the hospitality fee is charged the month of your registration. This is the only additional fee our families are charged outside of meet fees. We do not require any fundraising. The hospitality fee is to supply food and drinks for the coaches and officials at all of our hosted meets. Some of these people are here for 3 meals and they greatly appreciate our hospitality. If you have concerns about this fee please contact me directly. Depending on the actual setup of our meets this year, this fee could be reduced or eliminated for the 2020-2021 season. We will keep you informed in that regard.
Director of Operations