This weekend the Baylor Swim Club will send a group of senior athletes to compete in the Southeastern Swimming Short Course Senior Championships (February 19-21) held at the Huntsville Aquatic Center in Huntsville, AL. Please see all the important details below about attending this swim meet.
Meet & Warm-Up Schedule
Female ONLY Prelims Session- Warm-Up 7:00-8:00 AM | Meet Starts at 8:10 AM
Male ONLY Prelims Session- Warm-Up 10:40-11:40 AM | Meet Starts at 11:50 AM
Finals Session- Warm Up 4:50-5:50 PM | Meet Starts at 6:00 PM
Female ONLY Prelims Session- Warm-Up 7:00-8:00 AM | Meet Starts at 8:10 AM
Male ONLY Prelims Session- Warm-Up 10:40-11:40 AM | Meet Starts at 11:50 AM
Finals Session- Warm Up 4:50-5:50 PM | Meet Starts at 6:00 PM
Female ONLY Prelims Session- Warm-Up 7:00-8:00 AM | Meet Starts at 8:10 AM
Male ONLY Prelims Session- Warm-Up 10:10-11:10 AM | Meet Starts at 11:20 AM
Distance Freestyle Session- Warm-Up 1:20-2:20 AM | Meet Starts at 2:30 PM
Finals Session- Warm-Up 4:20-5:20 PM | Meet Starts at 5:30 PM
What to Bring
Baylor cap (RED BAYLOR CAPS ONLY), personal facemasks, Arena team suit, goggles, two towels, any Baylor t-shirt, sweatshirt/pants, water bottle, and healthy snacks. Please be sure to wear some warm clothing before and after you swim, this includes socks and or shoes to keep your feet warm.
Here are some Important Things to Remember About Going to this Swim Meet
With smaller athlete numbers in each session, HSA has plenty of on-site parking. They have closed normal drop-off lanes for our vendors to set-up outside. We ask that families park, and have their swimmer walk in from a parking space, as opposed to a drop-off line.
Heat sheets will not be for sale, but will be published on the HSA website here or on meet mobile. HSA will also publish finals heat sheets through our website at
NO folding or camp chairs are allowed in the facility, as well as hard-sided coolers. Stadium chairs are fine.
All swimmers must wear masks when not in the pool and they must keep them on behind blocks when waiting for their race. To help keep masks dry, please bring a plastic zip lock bag labeled with the swimmers’ name to keep masks in when not wearing. The only time a swimmer will be allowed to not wear their mask is when they are getting ready to get on the blocks.
Athletes, officials, volunteers, and coaches must bring a completed updated COVID Health Questionnaire and have your temperature checked upon entry. Athletes will need to do this each time they enter the building. It is acceptable to take a phone picture of a completed form and use this, as long as the answers haven’t changed. We ask that athletes remain in the building until the completion of their session once they have gone through the COVID screening.
The entrance and exit for the athletes will be through the concourse doors. Please look for signage to direct swimmers to entry and exit areas.
There will be no concessions available.
Athlete locker rooms are located on the deck.
For finals, HSA asks that only athletes participating in that Finals session sit on the deck. Only those athletes competing in Finals that night will be allowed in the building for warm-ups.
We highly encourage all athletes competing in the meet to come back and watch finals. Those athletes may enter the building 30 minutes prior to the start of the Finals session, and can use the upper bleacher area for seating. Athletes should maintain 6 feet of separation, as well as wearing masks, at all times while inside the building.
Unfortunately, still NO SPECTATORS are allowed in the building for this event–only swimmers, coaches, and volunteers will be allowed. The decision was made in regards to keeping our athletes as safe and healthy as possible to increase the likelihood of them continuing to not only compete in the sport that they have been diligently and training hard for in the last several weeks, but to continue living life to the fullest outside of swimming. HSA will be using stadium seating to help socially distance the teams and athletes. In the general community, opinions on COVID rules and regulations are vastly differing, but please understand we have the athletes, your children, as our priority.
Athletes swimming in distance events may ask other athletes, coaches or available volunteers already on deck to count for them. No one else will be allowed in the building.
Meet information is now available for the 2021 Southeastern Swimming Short Course Age Group Championships (March 5-7) at Ensworth School in Nashville, TN. This meet is only open to those 14 & Under athletes that have achieved one Southeastern Swimming qualifying time standard. Those that qualify are eligible to swim up to 6 events at the competition. Those that are 13-14 and in the SR/Varsity or Senior 2 groups are not eligible to attend this meet.
The Scratch Deadline for the SES Age Group Championships (March 5-7) at Ensworth is Monday, February 15th. Please be sure to Attend or Decline for the meet through TeamUnify. This swim meet is Developmental (Red, White, & Grey), AG, Junior, Senior 2, and Senior/Varsity practice groups.
Meet Information is now available in the meets-info/results section of the web site.
As we get into the fall and winter season the weather is beginning to get cooler, especially in the evenings. The coaching staff continues to chastise far too many swimmers for arriving in flip flops. While it is now a safety requirement due to COVID-19 to arrive in your swimsuit and leave practices in your swimsuit athletes can still layer themselves with warm clothes both before and after practices. Muscles require good care and thrive when pampered. Keeping them warm begins the recovery process after a demanding practice. We thank you for your support.
This is just a reminder that all Baylor Swim Club athletes that are competing in swim meets are required to wear the red Arena Team suit during competitions. If you have not already purchased a team suit please do so prior to the next swim meet. Team suits can be purchased through our vendor SwimAndTri. See complete contact info below SwimAndTri.
SwimAndTRI is our official team vendor. Below you will find login information for Baylor Swim Club’s online TEAM PORTAL on and the most up to date contact information for our team vendor, SwimAndTri. If you need to order team suits or practice equipment please order from the TEAM PORTAL or contact their Knoxville, TN location. Below are directions on how to login to the Baylor Swim Club TEAM PORTAL on
See the practice equipment list below and information to contact SwimAndTRI to order your equipment.
Personal facemasks are required when entering and exiting the natatorium. Coaches have been instructed that athletes without masks are NOT to be allowed in the building. We know things are forgotten at times but we are required to enforce this policy. Thank you for helping keep everyone safe.
The 2020-2021 Baylor Swim Club Team Handbook is now available in the Members section. The Team Handbook consists of all the policies and procedures for members that have joined the Baylor Swim Club.
Due to COVID-19, we will not be printing team handbooks this year. The membership should access the handbook via the MEMBERS section on the website.
Below you will find the most up to date contact information for the coaching staff. In the event you have a question about your child and their progress please contact your coach at the emails listed below.
Baylor Swim Club Coaching Staff:
Dan Flack
Head Coach / Director of Competitive Swimming- Senior/Varsity
Due to COVID-19 new safety protocols and procedures have been implemented to follow all CDC, state, and local government rules & regulations in order to conduct practices. Below is also a link to a video showing all athletes how to enter the building safely. It is recommended that all swimmers and parents watch the video prior to the first practice of the 2020-2021 season. Please see the new safety protocols for the practices below.
I just want to review some billing items with you. The TeamUnify system will bill accounts to you on the 1st of every month. The statements will contain your monthly dues and any other charges such as caps meet fees hospitality fees, etc. and a late fee will be assessed on the 21st of each month. Any payments that are unable to be processed on the 1st will accrue processing fees in addition to the charges. This fee comes from our processing merchant. Any accounts that are 30 days past due will result in your child being held out of the water.
All groups including Developmental are monthly groups. The USA and Club registration fees are yearly charges and will not be charged again until August of 2021.
Through TeamUnify you will automatically be billed for the next month unless you have emailed the club by the 5th day of the month preceding the next session. So if you do not want to participate in November you must email the club no later than October 5th. Telling your coach that you are not doing the next month will not keep you from being billed. Be sure to send the email to the club. Notifications must be sent to Laura Pitman. We will not allow children to practice until the online registration and COVID -19 testing have been completed.
The yearly hospitality fee of $75 is charged in November. If you join in November or later the hospitality fee is charged the month of your registration. This is the only additional fee our families are charged outside of meet fees. We do not require any fundraising. The hospitality fee is to supply food and drinks for the coaches and officials at all of our hosted meets. Some of these people are here for 3 meals and they greatly appreciate our hospitality. If you have concerns about this fee please contact me directly. Depending on the actual setup of our meets this year, this fee could be reduced or eliminated for the 2020-2021 season. We will keep you informed in that regard.