The Scratch Deadline for the Fall Kick-Off Classic (Oct. 23-24 at Baylor ) is Thursday, October 7th. Please be sure to Attend or Decline for the meet through TeamUnify. This swim meet is open to all Developmental, AG, JR, SR2, and SR/Varsity practice groups. This is a Baylor-hosted swim meet so all parents must volunteer.
Week of
Practice Meet / New Parent Volunteer Training- Saturday, September 25th
On Saturday, September 25th Baylor Swim Club athletes in the Developmental (Red, White, & Grey) and AG groups will participate in a practice swim meet. This meet will also serve as a parent volunteer training for many of our new member families. The online meet volunteer sign-up is now available. See complete details below.
- WHEN: Saturday, September 25th
- WHERE: Baylor School Natatorium
- SCRATCH DEADLINE: Wednesday, September 15th. Please be sure to Attend or Decline for the meet through TeamUnify.
- WARM-UP: 10:00-10:20 AM
Baylor Swim Club Announces Coaching Additions for the 2021-2022 Season
CHATTANOOGA, TN- Head Coach / Director of Competitive Swimming Dan Flack is thrilled to announce two additions to the coaching staff for the 2021-2022 season. After a one-year break, Jessica Klotz will be back coaching with our Developmental program. This will be her sixth year with the Baylor Swimming program. Baylor Swim Club alumni, Samantha Vargo Jameson will also be joining the staff to coach in our Developmental program. This is Coach Jameson’s second stint with the Baylor Swim Club as she coached during the 2018-2019 season.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols & Procedures
Please be sure to follow all the COVID-19 Safety Protocols & Procedures while in the Baylor School Natatorium for practices. The most updated safety protocols can be found at the link below.
- COVID-19 Safety Protocols & Procedures– updated 1/6/22
Coaches Contact Information
Below you will find the most up-to-date contact information for the coaching staff. In the event you have a question about your child and their progress please contact your coach at the emails listed below.
Baylor Swim Club Coaching Staff:
Dan Flack | Head Coach / Director of Competitive Swimming- Senior/Varsity & Senior 2 | bio | |
Laura Pitman | Director of Operations- billing & general info | bio | |
Brian Gill | Head Age Group Coach / Swim School Director | bio | |
Francine Chittum | Assistant Coach- AG | bio | |
Stephanie Cohen | Assistant Coach- Developmental Grey | bio | |
Samantha Jameson | Assistant Coach- Developmental White | bio | |
Jessica Klotz | Assistant Coach- Developmental Red | bio | |
Catie Carden | Swimming Lessons Instructor / Assistant Coach- Developmental Red | bio |
Policy Regarding Parents Watching Swim Practice
The Baylor Swim Club coaching staff encourages parents to watch their swimmers practice occasionally. It is not best for parents to watch practice every day nor is it healthy to never come to the pool. The reality of transporting young athletes is that many parents are present every day. However, parents do not need to watch each practice. Here are some important guidelines to keep in mind when observing a practice.
First, young swimmers want their parents’ approval. If a swimmer is aware of a parent watching practice, it is natural for some of their attention to be directed toward the parent. However, for the swimmers to learn as much as possible, it is imperative that the coaches maintain the swimmers’ attention during practice. We ask that parents never communicate with their children during practice or compete with the coach for his/her attention.
Second, we insist that parents do not interrupt the coaches on the deck while they are coaching. Please watch practice from the stands, not on the deck. If you need to communicate with a coach, please do so by contacting them by phone, email, or in-person before or after practice.
Third, Baylor Swim Club coaches spend a considerable amount of time planning weekly training sessions for each of the practice groups. Each training set or instructional drill has a purpose and one practice and/or practice set often builds on another throughout the week. If a swimmer has not attended the recommended number of practice sessions, he or she may not understand the purpose or progression of what the group is doing on a given day.
Finally, please do not try to coach your child. Many times when teaching stroke skills, the coaches ask swimmers to do things that might not look correct or might actually be illegal according to the rules, but does have an important purpose in teaching skills (ie. swimming one-arm fly or breaststroke with a flutter kick). We need to progress through these drills to achieve an improved total stroke.
Policy on Behavior at Swim Practice
It is the goal of the Baylor Swim Club and the coaching staff, to provide instruction and training during the entire practice session. Baylor Swim Club coaches create lesson plans for each day and week of the short and long course seasons to teach the swimmers proper technique, prepare them for competitive swimming and meet the needs of each swimmer in the practice group. If time is spent disciplining children rather than coaching, the goals of that session are not being achieved. Therefore, Baylor Swim Club expects swimmers to adhere to the following behavior guidelines:
1. All swimmers must encourage and support their teammates at practice as well as in competition. Swimmers may not conduct themselves in any manner that is disruptive to others.
2. Swimmers are expected, at all times, to follow the coach’s instructions. At no time will disrespectful attitudes or back-talk be tolerated by any swimmer.
3. All swimmers using the locker room should exhibit proper behavior. Rough-housing, yelling, and touching items that belong to other swimmers are not acceptable.
4. Abusive language, lying, or stealing are intolerable and grounds for immediate expulsion from the team.
5. Vandalism will not be tolerated. Any property that is vandalized by a Baylor swimmer will be repaired or replaced by the swimmer’s family.
Violation of the above-mentioned behaviors will be disciplined as follows:
The first violation will receive a warning.
The second violation will result in expulsion for the rest of that practice session and a phone call/meeting with the parents of the swimmer.
The third violation will result in suspension from practice for 1 week.
The fourth and final violation will result in expulsion from the team.
Monthly dues will not be adjusted for suspended swimmers.
Fall Parents Meeting Information Handout
Thank you to all that were able to attend the Zoom Fall Parents meeting. The Parent Information handout from the Fall Parent Meeting held on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, is now available on the website. Zoom recordings from both of the meetings are also available. See the link above for all the parent meeting information.
2021-2022 Team Handbook Now Available
The 2021-2022 Baylor Swim Club Team Handbook is now available in the Members section. The Team Handbook consists of all the policies and procedures for members that have joined the Baylor Swim Club.
The membership should access the handbook via the MEMBERS section on the website.
See the links below for the team handbook.
SwimAndTRI Team Portal & Contact Information
SwimAndTRI is our official team vendor. Below you will find login information for Baylor Swim Club’s online TEAM PORTAL on and the most up-to-date contact information for our team vendor, SwimAndTri. If you need to order team suits or practice equipment please order from the TEAM PORTAL or contact their Knoxville, TN location. Below are directions on how to login to the Baylor Swim Club TEAM PORTAL on
See the practice equipment list below and information to contact SwimAndTRI to order your equipment.